Next In-Person Foundational Sleep Training Class is being held at a Private Home in Phoenix, AZ October 11th to the 13th 2024. Click here for more info.

Respectful Parenting: Setting Boundaries and Establishing Healthy Habits

Understanding the importance of parenting with a respectful approach 

Understanding the importance of parenting with a respectful approach and setting boundaries regarding babies and children crying is essential. The first few years of a child's life are crucial for their mental and emotional development, and parenting style plays a significant role in shaping their personality.

What is respectful parenting? It is a parenting style that involves treating children with respect and...

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The Importance of Sleep for Working Parents

How Sleep Deprivation Affects Workload and Performance

As a parent, it's no secret that getting enough sleep can be a challenge. Finding time for a good night's rest can be difficult between late-night feedings, comforting a crying baby, and trying to get some work done. However, the impact of sleep deprivation goes beyond feeling tired the next day. Lack of sleep can significantly affect a parent's work performance and workload.

Studies have shown that sleep deprivation can lead to...

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When can I get my Baby on a Schedule?


Today I saw a post in my Facebook group regarding baby schedules. Here are the facts on a daily schedule for babies? 

When you first bring a baby home, your focus is feeding and bonding; that's all you can do initially. It's a big job, but as you and your baby figure things out, you start to look online. Is there a schedule that will allow me to put the baby down?

Some say follow the baby's lead. In all honesty, it can be difficult because all you hear and see is the baby crying,...

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Let’s Talk Breastfeeding! Ten Interesting Facts Every Woman Should Know

Let’s Talk Breastfeeding! Ten Interesting Facts Every Woman Should Know


Breastfeeding is an art all its own! They say there is a special and unique bond that takes place between a mother and her baby during breastfeeding. Though it comes with its challenges, there are several benefits to this trick of the trade!

Below you will find some facts you may not know when it comes to this delicate topic. However, it is important to note that breastfeeding is not the only way a mother can...

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Guest Post : How To Increase REM Sleep And Why It's Important!

How To Increase REM Sleep And Why It's Important!


You may have heard several times about the importance of sleep quality, rather than just how long you should sleep. But how do you achieve that state of sleep that gets you feeling like a million bucks the next morning?

In this article, we are going to be looking at REM sleep and why it should be a priority concerning your health. We will also be sharing some points on how to achieve the quality of sleep that you deserve with some...

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Pacifiers: Are they okay for your baby?

The great thing about this particular topic is we know that babies have an insatiable desire to suckle. By nature, their sucking reflex oftentimes begins in the womb. Sonograms have even shown depictions of babies sucking their fingers or toes. It is a very natural intuition they are born with. However, once they arrive earth-side, it is important to evaluate the decision to give them a pacifier and whether or not doing so would do more harm than good in the long run.

A few studies have been...

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Babies Don't Sleep on Demand

How can I help my baby sleep without sleep training? 

Parenting is amazing, but it can bring its own struggles. You don't want to sleep train but want your baby on a routine. This is often asked in my Facebook groups and consultant groups, and the answer is yes, it's completely possible. 

The Breakdown

Let's go over what you can adjust without causing much disruption. First off, newborns sleep a lot, 16-18 hours in 24hours, but some are awake longer, so look at your baby's natural...

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