Next In-Person Foundational Sleep Training Class is being held at a Private Home in Phoenix, AZ October 11th to the 13th 2024. Click here for more info.

Pacifiers: Are they okay for your baby?

The great thing about this particular topic is we know that babies have an insatiable desire to suckle. By nature, their sucking reflex oftentimes begins in the womb. Sonograms have even shown depictions of babies sucking their fingers or toes. It is a very natural intuition they are born with. However, once they arrive earth-side, it is important to evaluate the decision to give them a pacifier and whether or not doing so would do more harm than good in the long run.

A few studies have been...

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Stages of Sleep: The Definitive Guide

Guest Post by Insider Living 


stages of sleep

We all know that sleep plays an important role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It’s the medicine we require each day to maintain a well-functioning mind and body.

We spend around a third of our lives sleeping, but what actually happens when we sleep?

Prior to the 1950s, we didn’t really know much about sleep — it was thought of as a passive activity that helped restore our bodies overnight. But, in...

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Sleep Calculator for Kids — Best Sleep and Wake Times for Children by Cody Gohl Updated: June 11, 2020

Guest Blogger...


Making sure your child gets enough sleep is one of the most important things you can do as a parent. It’s also one of the toughest! It takes time and effort for kids to learn how to fall asleep — and to stay in their own beds —  in order to get the amount of Zzz’s they need. This is no easy task, as children need up to 16 hours of sleep every night (including naps), depending on their age. (1)

Sufficient sleep goes beyond the number of...

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