Next In-Person Foundational Sleep Training Class is being held at a Private Home in Phoenix, AZ October 11th to the 13th 2024. Click here for more info.

What is Summer's Method and Tips?

Parents always want to know different ways to train their babies and there are so many different methods.

As a newborn care specialist that often works in the home and as a sleep consultant this method below has been one of my go-to training. 

First off you do not have to do cry it out approach. So, what are some good tips to sleep train your baby?


  • Set a good bedtime routine, I suggest parents pick a consistent bedtime each night.
  • Lay your baby in the crib as soon as your done nursing/bottle feeding. Drowsy but awake try soothing with your hand on the tummy and shush sounds.
  • If your baby does cry, you can pick up and soothe. Make sure to check for a burp. As soon as calm about 30 seconds lay back down.
  • Is your child standing? If so, you need to gently guide to a sitting position and teach them to lay down. This process can take 3-5 days with frequent check-ins.
  • This is a nudge approach you are guiding your child to sleep. Make sure to repeat as needed and be consistent.
  • Place your hand on the baby's tummy to soothe. As soon as baby calms, you can leave the room to repeat it as needed.
  • Your child begins to cry again. At this point, you can pick up, but only for 30 seconds, giving enough time to settle down, not go to sleep.
  • If your baby/child becomes upset with your hand on tummy, use shushing sounds to soothe and try avoiding touch.
  • Every time your child wakes you can wait 5-10 minutes to see if they settle on their own or you can do the above process.
  • If you want a faster approach with a modified CIO it is available along with the science behind why it does work.
  • Do you co-sleep? Lots of families will co-sleep, here are some guidelines to follow here. The AAP Guidelines do not suggest co-sleeping but keep baby in the room for 6 months.

For more details, you can reach out to summer through her website or email to [email protected]


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