$1,299.00 USD


Information is to be used by the recipient only and will not be given to any other person.

The Owner has requested, and the Recipient agrees that the Recipient will protect the confidential material and information which may be disclosed between the Owner and the Recipient. Therefore, the parties agree as follows:

I. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. The term "Confidential Information" means any information or material which is proprietary to the Owner, whether or not owned or developed by the Owner, which is not generally known other than by the Owner, and which the Recipient may obtain through any direct or indirect contact with the Owner. Regardless of whether specifically identified as confidential or proprietary, Confidential Information shall include any information provided by the Owner concerning the business, technology, and information of the Owner and any third party with which the Owner deals, including, without limitation, business records and plans, trade secrets, technical data, product ideas, contracts, financial information, pricing structure, discounts, computer programs and listings, source code and/or object code, copyrights and intellectual property, inventions, sales leads, strategic alliances, partners, and customer and client lists. The nature of the information and the manner of the disclosure is such that a reasonable person would understand it to be confidential.

II. PROTECTION OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. The Recipient understands and acknowledges that the Confidential Information has been developed or obtained by the Owner by the investment of significant time, effort, and expense and that the Confidential Information is a valuable, special, and unique asset of the Owner which provides the Owner with a significant competitive advantage and needs to be protected from improper disclosure. In consideration of the receipt by the Recipient of the Confidential Information, the Recipient agrees as follows:

A. No Disclosure. The Recipient will hold the Confidential Information in confidence and will not disclose the Confidential Information to any person or entity without the prior written consent of the Owner.

B. No Copying/Modifying. The Recipient will not copy or modify any Confidential Information without the prior written consent of the Owner.

C. Unauthorized Use. The Recipient shall promptly advise the Owner if the Recipient becomes aware of any possible unauthorized disclosure or use of the Confidential Information.

D. Application to Employees. The Recipient shall not disclose any Confidential Information to any employees of the Recipient, except those employees who are required to have the Confidential Information in order to perform their job duties in connection with the limited purposes of this Agreement. Each permitted employee to whom Confidential Information is disclosed shall sign a non-disclosure agreement substantially the same as this Agreement at the request of the Owner.

III. UNAUTHORIZED DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION - INJUNCTION. If it appears that the Recipient has disclosed (or has threatened to disclose) Confidential Information in violation of this Agreement, the Owner shall be entitled to an injunction to restrain the Recipient from disclosing the Confidential Information in whole or in part. The Owner shall not be prohibited by this provision from pursuing other remedies, including a claim for losses and damages.

IV. RETURN OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. Upon the written request of the Owner, the Recipient shall return to the Owner all written materials containing the Confidential Information. The Recipient shall also deliver to the Owner written statements signed by the Recipient certifying that all materials have been returned within five (5) days of receipt of the request.

V. RELATIONSHIP OF PARTIES. Neither party has an obligation under this Agreement to purchase any service or item from the other party, or commercially offer any products using or incorporating the Confidential Information. This Agreement does not create any agency, partnership, or joint venture.

VI. NO WARRANTY. The Recipient acknowledges and agrees that the Confidential Information is provided on an "AS IS" basis. THE OWNER MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THE CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION AND HEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OWNER BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES IN CONNECTION WITH OR ARISING OUT OF THE PERFORMANCE OR USE OF ANY PORTION OF THE CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. The Owner does not represent or warrant that any product or business plans disclosed to the Recipient will be marketed or carried out as disclosed or at all. Any actions taken by the Recipient in response to the disclosure of the Confidential Information shall be solely at the risk of the Recipient.

VII. LIMITED LICENSE TO USE. The Recipient shall not acquire any intellectual property rights under this Agreement except the limited right to use as set forth above. The Recipient acknowledges that, as between the Owner and the Recipient, the Confidential Information and all related copyrights and other intellectual property rights, are (and at all times will be) the property of the Owner, even if suggestions, comments, and/or ideas made by the Recipient are incorporated into the Confidential Information or related materials during the period of this Agreement.

VIII. INDEMNITY. Each party agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the other party and its officers, directors, agents, affiliates, distributors, representatives, and employees from any and all third-party claims, demands, liabilities, costs, and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees, costs and expenses resulting from the indemnifying party's material breach of any duty, representation, or warranty under this Agreement.

IX. ATTORNEY'S FEES. In any legal action between the parties concerning this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorney's fees and costs.

X. TERM. The obligations of this Agreement shall survive 10 years from the Effective Date or until the Owner sends the Recipient written notice releasing the Recipient from this Agreement. After that, the Recipient must continue to protect the Confidential Information that was received during the term of this Agreement from unauthorized use or disclosure for an additional 1 year.

XI. GENERAL PROVISIONS. This Agreement sets forth the entire understanding of the parties regarding confidentiality. Any amendments must be in writing and signed by both parties. This Agreement shall be construed under the laws of the State of Arizona. This Agreement shall not be assignable by either party. Neither party may delegate its duties under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other party. The confidentiality provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect at all times in accordance with the term of this Agreement. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, the remaining portions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect and construed so as to best effectuate the original intent and purpose of this Agreement.

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Spanish - Newborn Care Specialist Signature Program Bundle

Programa combinado certificado

Curso 1: Capacitación de Asociado de Especialista en Atención de Recién Nacidos (ANCS)
Curso 2: Curso de Especialista Certificado en Atención Neonatal Profesional (CPNCS)
Los cursos están diseñados para brindarle todas las herramientas para convertirse en un especialista en atención neonatal, y nos complace compartir nuestro sistema de gestión de proyectos diseñado solo para este curso.

El total de horas de formación es de 30 horas.

POR FAVOR, compre una carpeta para agregar todos los materiales que descargará para la clase.

Hay una excelente cantidad de información en este entrenamiento. Te recomendamos hacer un módulo a la semana.

Pasos para certificar:

Proporcione su verificación de antecedentes.

Lea los cinco libros en el video de introducción. Explique cada libro.

Escriba un ensayo de 1000 palabras basado en lo que aprendió en el entrenamiento.

2100 horas requeridas trabajando como NCS

Una vez que esté certificado, ¡será un especialista certificado en cuidado neonatal (CPNCS)!

Tendrás acceso de por vida mientras tengamos el curso.


  • Apariencia y características del recién nacido
  • reflejos normales
  • Sentidos del recién nacido
  • Respiración del recién nacido
  • Cuidado de la circuncisión


  • Cómo sostener a un recién nacido
  • Cómo calmar a un bebé quisquilloso
  • ¿Qué es el síndrome del bebé sacudido?
  • bañar a un recién nacido
  • Consejos para vestir a un recién nacido
  • Cómo cambiar el pañal de un bebé
  • Las 3 principales erupciones de pañal diferentes
  • Cuidado de uñas
  • Costra Láctea
  • Lavandería para bebés
  • Seguridad del asiento de seguridad para bebés


  • Cómo alimentar a los recién nacidos
  • Aprenda cómo se comunican los recién nacidos
  • Explicación de los horarios de alimentación de los recién nacidos
  • Cómo alimentar en grupo a un recién nacido
  • Formula para bebé
  • Problemas de alimentación: pautas de los CDC
  • Diferentes biberones
  • Pautas de almacenamiento de leche humana
  • ¿Cuáles son los efectos secundarios de cambiar la fórmula del bebé?
  • Cómo hacer eructar a un bebé


  • Resumen de pañales
  • Máquinas de sonido
  • ¿Por qué usar chupetes?
  • Botellas diferentes
  • Desarrollo de la semana 1
  • Primera semana como especialista en cuidado del recién nacido
  • Problemas que suceden la primera semana
  • Semana 2 y 3 Desarrollo
  • Clave secreta para dormir y jugar
  • Semana 4 Desarrollo
  • Semana 5 Desarrollo
  • Semana 6 a 16 Desarrollo


  • Cómo trabajar durante la noche
  • Libro de registro de expectativas
  • Ejemplo de un NCS Overnight
  • Errores que he cometido en el trabajo
  • No ser claro sobre el cuidado durante la noche
  • Marco nocturno: cómo reservar un cliente
  • Juego de roles por teléfono/Mantener un informe de proyecto personal


  • Pautas para un sueño seguro
  • SUID (Muerte Infantil Súbita e Inesperada)
  • Estadísticas de sueño: recién nacido
  • Diferentes métodos de sueño
  • Problemas de sueño
  • Definición de bebé prematuro de la Organización Mundial de la Salud
  • Configuración de guardería
  • Esenciales para pañales
  • Esenciales para la alimentación del bebé
  • Vigilabebés


  • Dolencias del Recién Nacido
  • ¿Qué es RSV?
  • Recién Nacido - Causa de Vómitos
  • Ictericia
  • Fracaso para prosperar
  • Cólico
  • Hernia umbilical
  • tortícolis
  • recién nacido y covid


  • Culturas diferentes
  • América del norte
  • Sudamerica
  • Oceanía
  • África
  • Europa
  • Asia
  • Diferentes Culturas-Estadísticas


  • Bebés prematuros
  • ¿Qué problemas de salud puede tener un bebé prematuro?
  • ¿Cómo calcular la edad ajustada del bebé prematuro?
  • Diferencia entre la UCIN y la UCIP
  • Fortificador de leche humana


  • Cómo cuidar a los múltiplos
  • Obtener configuración para múltiplos
  • bañándose múltiplos
  • Entrenamiento para padres 101
  • Múltiples de alimentación con biberón
  • Cómo alimentar y trabajar durante la noche con múltiplos


  • Problemas maternos
  • Melancolía posparto
  • Depresión post-parto
  • Psicosis posparto
  • Complicaciones de la cesárea


  • Curso de Reflujo - Curso Básico de `Aine Homer


  • Cinco entrevistas con especialistas en atención neonatal


  • Entrevistas y Contratos
  • retenedor vs. Depósito
  • ¿Qué pasa cuando estás DESPEDIDO?
  • Cómo hablar con los clientes GUIONES

Cuando haya completado el curso y las tareas, recibirá un certificado de finalización. Envíe un correo electrónico al personal, ha completado el curso. [email protected]